Installing Couchdb on GCP Compute Engine

This article covers the steps that needed to install Apache Couchdb on Google Cloud Platform.

There are various way of how to achieve this, that is having a Compute Engine (VM) installed with Couchdb.

One option is to use the the Marketplace in GCP which offers quick option to deploy on Cloud Platform.
Login to GCP and click on the  Marketplace Icon and then search for CouchDB. Although we would still need to perform some additional steps like Creating Firewall Rule etc so that we can access the instance after getting VM with CouchDB installed from Marketplace.

Rather than using the Marketplace, we would do everything manually on the VM Instance.
Following are the steps in details that i had to take to lunch an instance of CouchDB, do configuration update and create Firewall Rules to allow access to the instance.

High level steps as covered bellow are

  • Create an Instance of Google Cloud Engine Instance
  • Install Apache CouchDB in the VM
  • Configure the Database Instance
  • Configure Firewall Access

Create Google Cloud compute Engine instance.

SSH to the VM Instance.

Before installing the Apache CouchDB we will install some useful software that we would need like nano editor.

sudo apt-get install nano

Install CouchDB

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install apache2 couchdb

Check Status of CouchDB

Following commands are useful to check the status of CouchDB instance, start it and stop it etc.
sudo systemctl stop couchdb.service
sudo systemctl start couchdb.service
sudo systemctl enable couchdb.service
sudo systemctl status couchdb.service

Change the bind address of CouchDB

Normally the CouchDB listens to port which is localhost.
When we deploy the CouchDB on VM on GCP we would like it to be accessed from outside the VM also, for that we need to modify the bind address. We do that by updating CouchDB configuration file
nano /etc/couchdb/default.ini
port = 5984
bind_address =

Add Firewall rule for the VM instance

We will now add a new Firewall rule to allow access to the VM on which we have CouchDB installed.
For that go to Navigation Menu -> VPC Networks -> Firewall Rule and click on 
Create Firewall rule

Add the necessary details like follows,

Now we we should be able to access the instance over internet

Access the Instance

Open a browser and go to external-ip:port/_util/, we should be able to see a page like as bellow


  1. great tutorial.
    I think the futon address is: external-ip:port/_utils/

  2. Your guide to installing CouchDB on GCP Compute Engine is a lifesaver. Understanding Mitiga Ting Your expertise in navigating cloud platforms and databases shines through, making this resource an invaluable asset for those seeking a seamless setup.


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