JAX-RS With Jersey Example
JAX-RS is an api that supports REST style of web services. Following's are some of the implementation of the JAX-RS api
1) Jersey
2) RestEasy
3) Apache CXF
Following example demonstrate a simple Calculator Web service and it's client using Jersey.
I have used the following tools and libraries
1) Eclipse 3.7 with WTP
2) Tomcat 6
3) Jersey
Full source code with more examples are available on Google Code at Sidd JAX-RS Code.
To start with created a Java Web project and created some packages in that.
The package com.sidd.aschema contains all XSD, wsdl etc files. We also have a shchema file named SiddSimpleCalculator.xsd in the same package.
The project structure in eclipse looks like
Use the xjc command to generate the service classes from the XSD as follows.
$ xjc -p com.sidd.rs.gent -d ../../../ -xmlschema SiddCalculatorSimple.xsd
where com.sidd.rs is the package name and -d (directory) is the relative location where the classes should be generated.
The xjc coomand generates the follwoing files.
Service Class
Now write the service class.
web.xml entry
The following declaration in web.xml will make the jersey to be deployed and make all root resources or provider classes in package com.sidd.rs
Library Put the required lib's under the web-inf/lib folder. Start Application Deploy the application into your tomcat and start the tomcat installation. You should be able to access the application using the following URL http://{SERVERNAME:PORTNUM}/MyJRS2/rest/calculate/add/10/20/ Result: Upon successful deployement we should be getting json response as follows
1) Jersey
2) RestEasy
3) Apache CXF
Following example demonstrate a simple Calculator Web service and it's client using Jersey.
I have used the following tools and libraries
1) Eclipse 3.7 with WTP
2) Tomcat 6
3) Jersey
Full source code with more examples are available on Google Code at Sidd JAX-RS Code.
To start with created a Java Web project and created some packages in that.
The package com.sidd.aschema contains all XSD, wsdl etc files. We also have a shchema file named SiddSimpleCalculator.xsd in the same package.
The project structure in eclipse looks like
Use the xjc command to generate the service classes from the XSD as follows.
$ xjc -p com.sidd.rs.gent -d ../../../ -xmlschema SiddCalculatorSimple.xsd
where com.sidd.rs is the package name and -d (directory) is the relative location where the classes should be generated.
The xjc coomand generates the follwoing files.
Service Class
Now write the service class.
public class CalculatorRSImpl implements CalculatorService {
String operator;
Integer numA;
Integer numB;
@Produces("application/json") //"application/json"
public MathOperationRS addTwoNumbers(@PathParam("opt") String opt,
@PathParam("numa") String numa, @PathParam("numb") String numb) {
Integer result = doCalculateCoreLogic(opt,numa,numb);
MathOperationRQ rq = new MathOperationRQ();
MathOperationRS rs = new MathOperationRS();
rq.setOperandA(new BigInteger(numa));
rq.setOperandB(new BigInteger(numb));
return rs;
The above class defines a webservice whose with path matched to "/calculate" at class level and also path
"({opt}/{numa}/{numb}) at method level. So the Context path to invoke this method would be something like http://localhost:8080/MyJRS2/rest/calculate/add/10/20/web.xml entry
The following declaration in web.xml will make the jersey to be deployed and make all root resources or provider classes in package com.sidd.rs
[servlet-name]Jersey REST Service[/servlet-name]
Library Put the required lib's under the web-inf/lib folder. Start Application Deploy the application into your tomcat and start the tomcat installation. You should be able to access the application using the following URL http://{SERVERNAME:PORTNUM}/MyJRS2/rest/calculate/add/10/20/ Result: Upon successful deployement we should be getting json response as follows
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