
Showing posts from May, 2012

JAX-RS With Jersey Example

JAX-RS is an  api that supports REST style of web services.  Following's are some of the implementation of the JAX-RS api 1) Jersey 2) RestEasy 3) Apache CXF Following example demonstrate a simple Calculator Web service  and it's client using Jersey. I have used the following tools and libraries 1) Eclipse 3.7 with WTP 2) Tomcat 6 3) Jersey Full source code with more examples are available on Google Code at  Sidd JAX-RS Code . To start with  created a Java Web project and created some packages in that. The package com.sidd.aschema contains all XSD, wsdl  etc files.  We also have a shchema file named SiddSimpleCalculator.xsd in the same package. The project structure in eclipse looks like Use the xjc command to generate the service classes from the  XSD as follows. $  xjc -p -d ../../../ -xmlschema SiddCalculatorSimple.xsd where is the package name and -d (dire...

Converting Java Map to String

Java Collections framework, String manipulation etc is something that we often encounter in Development process. For processing collections (like checking null/empty, Intersection, Disjunction) We do have some of the very use full libraries. Some of the Collection related libraries are Apche Commons Collections and Google  Collections(Guava). Problem Use Case This article explains how to convert a Java Map to String(and vice versa) using different libraries and technique. One way is to use StringBuilder(Or String) and loop though the Map and build the String by applying some sort of separator ( for key:value and entry). Here we have to take care of the null value etc. Without Any Library If we want to convert the map to a String with key value separator and also individual entry seperator in the resulting String, we have to write code for that. For a simple Map, we have to iterate though the map, take care of the null values etc. Following is...