JAX-RS With Jersey Example
JAX-RS is an api that supports REST style of web services. Following's are some of the implementation of the JAX-RS api 1) Jersey 2) RestEasy 3) Apache CXF Following example demonstrate a simple Calculator Web service and it's client using Jersey. I have used the following tools and libraries 1) Eclipse 3.7 with WTP 2) Tomcat 6 3) Jersey Full source code with more examples are available on Google Code at Sidd JAX-RS Code . To start with created a Java Web project and created some packages in that. The package com.sidd.aschema contains all XSD, wsdl etc files. We also have a shchema file named SiddSimpleCalculator.xsd in the same package. The project structure in eclipse looks like Use the xjc command to generate the service classes from the XSD as follows. $ xjc -p com.sidd.rs.gent -d ../../../ -xmlschema SiddCalculatorSimple.xsd where com.sidd.rs is the package name and -d (dire...