Linux Reference Page
##Finding particular text in files Find all the *.java files which contains the string confirmStatus in directory src (relative to the current directory). command$ find ./src -name \*.java | xargs grep -il 'confirmStatus' find commands searches list of files and passes the list to xargs, which in turns split the list and passes the each file name as argument to grep command. ##Change Domain password from Linux smbpasswd -r -U ## Setting up Printer in Ubuntu Linux $ gksudo system-config-printer ## Mounting Share drive in Guest Ubuntu Oracle Virtual Box To mount a shared folder say C:\MyVideos as MySharedVideos sudo mount -t vboxsf MySharedVideos /media/siddshare2 where MySharedVideos is the shared folder name and /media/siddshare2 is the mount point location. ## Printing all contents to a single line Where myfile.txt contains some text data which we want to print in a single line. cat myfile.txt | tr -d '\n' > oneline.txt...